Friday, October 14, 2011

October Updates and Milestones

Well, over the past few DAYS things have changed. Sheesh, when folks tell you that your kids grow fast you don't belive them until your baby gets about 4.5 months old and she hits milestone, after milestone, and you realize you cannot keep up with her. Mostly because sleep hsa become a thing of the past, but no need for a pity party, we have a lot going on!!

Over the past few weeks we have graduated to solid foods, started LOVING the jumperoo (even though her feet don't touch the ground), rolling over, and now sitting up almost completely on her own. I mean really? These things are supposed to happen months or in the very least weeks apart right? Not in the Airhart house, I should have know she was like me........she gets ready do something, watch out because she's gonna make it happen.

So to catch y'all up, first we started solids. My last post was ALL about solids, I promise this is just a short paragraph. When we started solids I was kinda worried about them backing her up a bit since she is just four months old, however, I KNOW she's ready so we proceeded with zero caution. Wednesday when I woke up, I sent a note to the sitter:


Please bicycle her legs today for her "exercise" she has not pooped since Sunday."

If I had not pooped since Sunday, I would be a cranky pants, but not Sadie Marie, yes we have had serious bouts with gas over the past few days but all that gas has resulted in zero poop and it was not for trying. I wish I had a video of her as we were walking home from the sitter the other day. She grunted, bucked, tucked, and did everything that looked as if she was bout to poop out a toyota prius, but alas nada. Tuesday more of the same, the FINALLY as I send my love note to daycare I get a text from Susan at about 10AM:

"April, I can't belive I'm saying this but YAY! She pooped"

Whew, it was the best text of the week. They she proceeded to poop three more times that day and once yesterday morning! Even though with the introduction of solids, that makes her squishes be stank, we were very excited a pooping baby is a happy baby! I was also very excited as the baby daddy is currently enrolled in an EMT course and now thinks he knows all about babies. He comes home and tries to take the baby's pulse under in her bicep. He asked me if we have a rectal thermometer......WTF. I asked him if he wanted to take her temperature? He's just trying to show me he knows what's up. Roger that Airhart, now ease up. I'm glad he learned baby CPR, but I do not need to hear all the horror stories as if I don't already have enough to worry about!

On to Jumperoo fun!
She LOVES it and would probably love it even more if she could touch the floor! The one she has at daycare is shorter and, even with it set on the lowest level, the one I have at home is about 2 inches too high so Uncle John Robert donated some of his old school books to the Sadie Marie Jump foundation and presto! She has a duct taped platform that allows her to play like the big kids! Just another example of how duct tape can fix anything! I'm glad she likes it too, it give the baby daddy and I a little break and I mean sometimes I'm kinda jealous. I wish I had a seat to sit in that held me up with fun shit 360 degrees around me. I think I need to invent a bouncy seat for adults that includes a wine/beer dispenser, a place to hold your cell phone, IPAD, some chips, and maybe even a stationary bike underneath just so we don't get lazy. I'm a genius I know. Just let me know if you want one too.
Please notice the red books on the floor....she's a munchkin like her mama!

Moving on.......

Yeseterday morning before work we were playing in the bed and FINALLY she rolled over twice, then I grab my phone to video tape it for the baby daddy and NADA. I swear she is totally like him when it comes to being in the spotlight! Does not love it. She freezes as soon as she sees the phone or camera pointed at her, it's so funny! I picked her up off her tummy and sat her up.  BOOM, she sat there all by herself looking at the little dog trying to grab him, after about 30 seconds she kinda slumped to the side and thought it was hilarious!

I can't believe that one minute she is my tiny little baby, the next minute she weighs 16 lbs, is rolling, sitting, and grabbing for everything she can get, especially my plate at the dinner table!! She knocked the food bowl, along with all the squash in it, out of my hands last night, it did a 360 and landed all over her, me, her food tray, and the counter. Awesome. She's getting so big and exactly one week from now we will be taking our first plane ride.....ALONE.

I hope she sleeps like this on the plane!

That's right folks, I'm going to attempt a trip to Alabama all on my own on a plane with a 4.5 month old baby. The baby daddy is going to drop me off at BWI and I will be in charge of getting myself and Sadie Marie through security, to the gate, on the plane, and to BHM in one piece. Thank goodness they don't want me to fly the plane......I'm going to have my hands full. I have been reading the TSA website so I know all the rules but I have a feeling this is going to be an adventure. I mean what the hell am I supposed to do with miss priss when I have to pee? I'll figure it out I know, but I'm most worried about other folks in the airport. My biggest fear is to take my eyes off her for one second and have some crazy person touch her or take her. OMG, makes me sick to my stomach. Auntie JuJu has mentioned putting her in a bubble on more than one occassion, I want a bubble with a pad lock please. We will make it and I know it will be fine, it just the anticipation that is way worse than the actual event! I'm so excited about going to Alabama I will get over the worry, oh and I'm going to strap Sadie Marie to me after we get through security and dead bolt the lock!

After we arrive in AL we have a fun week with the family and friends as Reagan and Matt get married and Baby's First Halloween!!! AND I'm so stinking excited we are going to the pumpkin patch THIS weekend with some friends and Auntie JuJu, and then we have trunk or treat at Elkdale while in Alabama. Sadie Marie is going to be a duck and she has the cutest little duckie outfit I cannot wait. I will be sure to update on those two outtings ASAP.

**On a side note, the baby daddy came homes from said EMT course daily and tells me what he has learned about babies. Sheesh, I don't want to hear most of it (it's sad and scary) but yesterday and told he could now deliver a baby......he knew all about child birth. OK.......I guess that is what they covered in class yesterday and he comes home talking to me about eclampsia, breech position, C-sections, and so on and so on. Sheesh......if only he had taken this course BEFORE I spent 12 hours in labor. I think he wants to deliver our next baby. Yikes, not gonna happen. Could you imagine!?! I've already decided he's going to be a doctor for Halloween and I know he secretly wants me to buy him a stethscope.

Love y'all!


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