Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Heart Twilight.....Really? WTF.

Thanksgiving was a blast, my mom was here the entire week and I can tell you I had no idea what to do with two free hands and all that time! So, I had been challenged at work to try to read the Twilight books (I had been drinking the straight up haterade since they came out), but I wanted my boss to read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl who Played with Fire, and the Girl who Kicked the Hornets Nest so, I compromised and told her if she would read the Stieg Larsson books I would TRY, please note the word TRY, to read Twilight. I finished up the horrible book I was reading called the Marriage Plot and bought ALL the Twilight books. I'm a bit obsessive when I start reading so whether I like the book or not I will read the entire thing so if I hate it I can hate on it properly!

There will be no more hating on Twilight. OMG. OMG. OMG. What a fantastic love story, with some action fighting scenes, and who knew vampires twinkle in the sun. Y'all can think whatever you want of me I am absolutely IN LOVE with these books. I could barely put them down while my mom was here so I got more than 1000 of the 1500 pages read in a week and then finished off the rest last week. OF COURSE, I then needed to immediately watch the first three movies, thanks to Michelle Gilbert!! I didn't have to wait long. I asked the baby daddy to watch them with me and he was reluctant of was I but I convinced him and while the first two movies don't do the book justice, I am still won over. Eclipse was way closer to the book so I'm pumped to watch Breaking Dawn, chomping at the bit is more like it....... I feel so stupid even telling people I like them so much now, but I'm at one with it so I decided to share my thoughts. If I like them, they must be good!!

I can't say the same for the baby daddy........during the first two movies I, of course, had to stop and explain things to him because they left out SO much the movie felt piecy and did not flow for me.......all he kept asking was, "Where are the werewolves?" Of course, I should have known he wanted to see werewolves and vampires fight, but I also think he curosity got the better of him. He tried on more than one occassion a few nights to carry on a conversation with me while we were laying in bed before we went to sleep, he was watching TV and I was reading. I could feel his annoyance and I'm sure he could feel mine. I can't even remember a time when he talked so much:

Him: "Did you see that?'
Me: "What?"
Him: "I'm watching this show about the rocket scientists from Huntsville, aren't you interested?'
Me: "No"
Him: "What are you reading?"
Me: "Twilight"
Him: "UGH" annoyed expression
Me: "......."
Him: "Are you almost done?"
Me: "NO!"
Him: "UGH" annoyed expression

5 minutes later:
Him: "Ugh, this guy at work is killing me!" "I think I have an ulcer"
Me: Clearly annoyed, but trying to hide it. "Oh really what did he do?"
Him: "He can't say my name, he's beening working for me for months, calls me Teron." "Teron, Teron......"
Me: "Haha, that's funny", I go back to reading.
Him: "He's so annoying, he asks questions no body cares about"
Me: "Wow, that is annoying"
Him: "Are you paying attention?"
Me: "No"
Him: "UGH"

He used to be annoyed by my all the facebook stalking I did, so I gave that up, and NOW of course he's annoyed by all the reading I'm doing. SO FUNNY!

In anycase, I still think he's intrigued at my obsession with these books because now I have totally finished and started reading again. He has agreed to go see Breaking Dawn with me. I think he secretly wants to see how it ends.At least I'm not as bad as my boss who has read the books five, yes five times.

Here are some new pictures!

Hey Isabelle!

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