Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You got doodoo on You

Today was a big day! We had our second check up at the doctor's office and my little lady is already a rock star. She had initially lost 4 oz when we went on Friday and today, only 4 days later, she had put 11 oz back on! She was 6 lbs 10 oz today and since she's eating and gaining weight so well she gets to skip her two week appointment (weight check only) and come back for her one month appointment! She's an Airhart/Morton I can't imagine her having any issues gaining weight or eating! Plus, let's face it she's a ROCKSTAR!

After the doctor we had a few more errands to run and then we went to Pizza Hut and ate. Sadie Marie was perfect, she was not fussy or cranky and we got all our errands ran in record time. We were leaving Pizza  Hut and it had been a few hours since she had been changed so I wanted to check her to see if she needed to be changed before we ran by the bank and then home, so I checked her and she was wet, mom said here just give her to me and I will change her in my lap so..........

April: "Mom you want this travel changer pad?"
Mom: "Nah, I'll be quick"
April: "OK, I hope she doesn't poop on you"

Mom gets the wet diaper changed and what she was doing I have no idea...

Mom: "Well......peed on me.........Oh wait, shit......She shit on me!"
April: "What"!
April: BAHAHHAHAHAHA, should have used the travel changer pad!

Sadie Marie is already getting Cunnie back for all those prostetic leg jokes she has played over the years and of course Mom was wearing a clorox white shirt...good thing Pizza Hut was our last stop where she had to get out. It looked like she had been attacked by a coney island hot dog. Sadie Marie is in the mustard colored poop phase and it does not go well with white!

Sadie Marie was initially having a little trouble pooping after coming home but once she got that first poop out she has been a poop machine and as of last night poop has been coming out the diaper......this above incident is not Mom's first encounter this week. Last night she changed Sadie Marie's diaper, came in the kitchen, and I said oh lord, she's got doodoo on her back.....FAIL....mom had to go change her clothes, then last night Theron changed her diaper and brought her back to me to eat and....FAIL....doodoo all on her clothes and blankets! It could be worse, cleaning up baby poop is not as bad as dog doodoo on your shoe! It surprisingly does not smell bad when you are breastfeeding and while it's a gross yellow color, the smell is key to me not vomiting when I have to clean it up!

We had a long night last night and I'm pooped today after our outing and let's face it, I just get tired easily but I'm feeling better still have some pain but I'm hoping they give me the "two thumbs up" on Friday when I go to the doc for a check up. Sadie Marie may be a poopin machine but her mama is NOT.....I will save you those details and just say......episiotomy + 3rd degree tear = a butt load of pain.......PUN intended!

Y'all be good!

Uncle J Rob

Maybe the best Daddy EVER! So Sweet!

Touchdown! She's practicing for her cheerleading debut in the Fall..
She has a BAMA tutu to wear!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Breast Feeding is Like Milking a Cow........

Well today Sadie Marie is  six days old and thankfully I have been sleeping about 4-7 hours each night....not all at the same time of course, but my mom and Theron have been taking turns staying up with her and letting me sleep. It almost like being in the hospital....I feed her and then one of them takes her to the "nursery" that is my living room! It is FANTASTIC! I had some visitors yesterday who just ohhh and ahhh over her and it was so great to have some contact with the outside world. I have not left the house since we got home on Thursday and I gotta tell ya, I have no desire to go anywhere. This tear and episiotomy is NOT awesome and I'm almost out of pain medication. I almost scared to eat for fear of pooping.........it's inevitable I know, but GEEZ....luckily I stopped myself before eating some trail mix the other day. I had a hand full of peanuts and had a brief moment of nausea and a little conversation with myself.....WTF am I doing?  Don't you know this has to come out the other end, PUT THE NUTS DOWN WOMAN!

Sadie has been home a number of nights now and while we are not experts we got a nice little system going here. I stay up till 1 AM or so and then get about 4 hours of sleep. Theron and mom are in charge of her during those hours so I can sleep then I'm back on at 5 or 530 am. I'm so lucky to have this support these first two weeks, but I'm still a little nervous about my mom leaving and Theron going back to work. I keep thinking what am I going to do when I have to use the bathroom and I'm here alone? I guess Sadie will be spending a lot of time in her car seat being lugged around the house while I do things so I can keep and eye on her because I am a typical first time parent.....I have already been watching her sleep to assure she keeps breathing and I'm terrified she's going to roll off the bed. (She's never been left on the bed so I'm not sure where this fear comes from) Rest assured I know I'm a little looney........what can I say? At least I admit it!

We went to the doctor on Friday for her first check up and got good news all around. She has a little jaundice but all the other things we were worrying about are normal. Here's our list of things to ask the doc about:

Blue hands and feet? Normal.....really? Yes, as long as it does not move up the arms or legs. Weird but OK.
Eyes rolling back in her head.....Normal.....Yes......thank goodness, we were starting to think she was crazy
Eyes crossing......Normal.....Yes......SO scary to watch but she said it could go on for a month! I just hope they don't get stuck like that!
She has a little red spot on her hiney.....birthmark....Yes......matches her mom's! SO funny and a relief.
Red hiney.....normal.....whew

There were a few others but you get the idea.....we are first time parents and we are seriously worried about everything. Bottom line, our little girl is healthy and already growing like a weed. I can't wait to show her off in Selma in July!

So here's the story of the week:
I'm breastfeeding and it has been going great. Sadie latched right on and has had no problems. I'm also pumping 3-6 oz every day so start building up a supply for when we travel to Alabama or if we want to go somewhere she will be able to eat. So, I had my first pumping session two days ago and it took a while since I had never done it before and I was reading the instructions and finally got going, Theron comes in the room as is looking at me..........

Theron: "Huh, just like a cow"
April: "What did you just say?"
Theron: "Like a cow at the state fair"
April: "WTF did you just say?"
Theron: "No, I mean it works just like a cow"
April: "Are you sure you want to continue this conversation?"
Theron: "No"
April: "Good call, last time I checked it was not a good idea to call your wife a cow less than a week after she gives birth."

My point: Breast feeding is like milking a cow or a cat, you can pretty much milk anything with nipples Focker.........but don't freaking tell your wife that! HAHAHAH. I love you Theron!

Y'all have a good day!
Love y'all


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Houston We Have a Baby!

Today is the first day I have been able to sit still long enough to send an update out to all my peeps and I must say I have much to tell. Lots has been going on as I'm sure all of you see from facebook and from the emails and text my mom and husband have been distributing! I will start from the beginning and give y'all the Cliff Notes version to get you up to speed.

On Monday, May 23 I had my final scheduled doctor's appointment.....I went in with saddest sad face hoping that because I was only 4 days from my due date they would go ahead and schedule me to be induced on May 27.....little did I know my blood pressure had other plans. It was 138/90 and while that was not extremely high, it is for me, I usually register about 117/70 and it had been normal throughout the pregnancy. They monitored me for a while and scheduled induction for the next day! I was happy and not overly concerned.....I'm healthy and PUMPED to deposit Sadie somewhere beside my uterus!

That night we had to go to the hospital to be monitored for an hour......or THREE! Blood pressure had gotten much higher and now they were trying to keep me overnight.......no thank you. PS hospital people when it's 150 degrees in the monitoring room, my blood pressure is 150/150! So we eventually go home......fast forward 8 LONG hours to 7:30 a.m. on May 24, 2011. I was nervous about the blood pressure but again not overly concerned, they were letting me go home after all.......

We arrive at the hospital and SCORE! The nurse from the night before saved us the ginormous birthing suite.....three babys could have been born in this room and it was all mine! It was a good start to the day and I was ready to get the show on the road. They started my IV and the pitocin, I saw the doc and was in the bed feeling some contractions but nothng noteworthy......9:30 a.m. water broke.....I was laying in the bed, the nurse was standing there setting up the magnesium IV and I felt a little pop and went OH! I either just peed my pants OR my water just broke! She and Theron both started laughing and she came over to check me and she said yep, your water broke! So induction or not Sadie was ready to make her appearance on May 24, I'm just glad we were at the hospital because when they told me at my last ultrasound I had extra fluid they were not kidding! You could have filled a kiddie pool with all the fluid that came out of me! If that had happened in my bed, we would be shopping for a new bed and all I could think was SWEET! I have not even had the baby yet and I'm losing weight! What I should have been thinking was now my labor is probably going to progess faster, I should start having them check me more often and get the epidural......

About 11 AM, I was really starting to suffer through the contractions but I was still only dilated to a 1.5 and about 75% effaced so since my birthing class video said to wait till you are at a 5 to get the meds, I was holding out......I wanted to be a bad ass and say I held on....for who I have no idea....but that is how my brain works sometimes.....bragging rights for myself. My mom, dad, and grandmama had arrived and I could not even talk to them. Contractions were back to back and were really painful but at 12 I was still only dilated to 1.5 and completely effaced.....WTF....my body was not cooperating so finally I just asked for the epidural about 1pm and got it about 2pm....as soon as they were finished sticking me THREE times, and I had been hunched over the nurse for 30 minutes, I was golden and also dilated to a 5.5! I had made it and didn't even know it!

Fast forward to 7 PM, my wonderful nurse was getting off her shift, I was still only dilated to 8.5 and my doc was changing as well. I could feel the contractions again and lets just say the little epidural button got it's workout God bless ladies who do this naturally, but that shit is for the birds....I could feel painful contractions with the epidural, I can only imagine how bad it would have been without it! So the doc comes in and was only going to give me an hour before I was faced with a C section and I guess Sadie heard it because I started pushing at 7:15 and she was here at 7:46! 6lbs 3 oz, 19 inches long.....not exactly the mega baby they had predicted at my final ultrasound but she was big enough to destroy my lady parts in the way of an episiotomy AND a third degree tear that took close to 30 minutes to sew up! She also had the cord wrapped so tightly around her neck the doctor told Theron and my mom he had not seen that in while.......he's been birthing babies for 30 years......YIKES, but regardless Miss Sadie Marie is healthy and what can I say, I'm SO glad she is here and so thankful for my sweet husband, my family, and the wonderful doctors and nurses who assured she and I were taken care of.

SO, after she was born everyone is walking around, holding her, my sweet baby brother had arrived around 4 and was there to meet his new niece.....everyone was talking and so happy and I felt like I was in the twilight zone. It didn't feel real, the epidural was wearing off but they were now feeding me 600 mg motrins and percacet for the after labor pains and let me tell you, there was no pain. I was not even sure I was still alive, it felt like a dream that I was watching, but also participating in......SO weird.

I had to stay in labor and delivery over night and all the next day because of my blood pressure. I was still on the magnesium and that shit is not awesome, it involves a catheter and I was OVER that thing by the next day, also, sweating like a dog, nauseated......UGH, I just gave birth, can you please give me something to make me feel better not worse! Finally at 4 PM the next day I got a shower and got moved over to post pardum and felt much better!

We got to come home on May 26 and I tell you what I thought I was SO ready to get out of the hospital and as we were pulling away a wave of fear set in......OMG, we are going home, no one is going to be checking on us every hour, if her body temp is too low, how will I know? We can't give her to the nursery after I feed her so we can get some sleep.......what have we done.....

I'm just kidding! I quickly realized my mom was here and since John Robert and I both survived to adulthood, I knew I would be fine......or so I thought......

Stay tuned for what happened the first night........I gotta go feed Sadie so she will grow up bigger than John Robert. Theron has requested she be able to fight off all the boys. Daddy brought her a steak and since she couldn't quite chew it all up, I'm going to supplement her feeding with breastmilk! HAHAHAHA

Love y'all,

Morning of Induction, our wolfpack of 4 will soon become 5!

I looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man......since was was on bed rest the entire day after she was born I had to have these things on my legs to promote circulation and keep clots from forming....SO sexy I know!

This was right before we went home, we were waiting on the lady to come back and finish our birth certificate paperwork.

Big Daddy and CiCi

Sadie Marie in her first car ride home from the hospital

We're number 1! Go Morton's and Airhart's!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Captain's Blog - Rapture or Labor?

Well kiddies, today is supposed to be the end of the world but it sure is beautiful outside for the rapture to be on the way. I got a nice little Saturday planned too, got the husband in gear and working in the yard, we have a birthday party to attend this afternoon, and then we are having some friends over for a cookout. I sure hope I can get my eat on before the world ends, it would be sad to waste the delicious chicken and shrimp I'm planning to cook! But, if we're going out we are all going out clean. The house is clean, the dogs got a bath, and as soon as I wrap this up in headed to the shower.

Labor may be close as well........I seriously almost woke Theron up at 3 AM this morning to get in the car......I could have sworn I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart.......2:46 AM it began, I got up, used the bathroom, lamazed it through the cramping, and laid there to look at the clock......3:01 AM, CRAMPS + bathroom, breathing, 3:12 AM, cramps.....and so one until about 5 AM........after my 6th or 7th trip to the bathroom I realized I might just have food poisioning because (without getting graphic) I was definitely getting dehydrated and was having vivid flashbacks of my mother's trip to VA a few weeks ago. Then it stopped......well the cramping anyway. SO bummed! I was really hoping for a trip to the hospital today to deposit Sadie somewhere's besides my uterus.

We ate a new place in Stafford called Zibbibo last night, it was delicious but it did not agree with me at all. Theron seems fine so maybe my body's just getting ready for birth, I have read that can cause you to get rid of everything as well. In any case, I'm feeling better today and I'm headed to the shower to get ready for the little b-day party we are attending and Sadie still seems pretty content. She has the hiccups right now so I guess we will just take our packed bags and be ready just in case.

Catch y'all later........maybe....call me if the world ends.

Love y'all


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Captains Blog - 6 Days Down and 8 To Go

Well, hopefully not eight more whole days until I actually go into labor. I'm hoping for tomorrow after lunch per my mom's request. The tires on their car finally got done today and the her dogs will be done at the groomer tomorrow at noon. I officially have permission to go into labor on this day, at that hour.  I told her I would hold off on the lunges I plan to do until then. I don't know if the lunges will really work, but I'm willing to try anything at this point to get Sadie Marie here before May 27!

I also have a lot to do tomorrow so I'm hoping for tomorrow night......I get to work from home tomorrow which rocks the casbah and then I need to clean this house, bath the little dog, and purchase a gift for a one year old, oh and do some lunges! Sadie is still moving around alot but I have been having cramps, some sharper kinda pains today, and per the doc on Monday I'm dilated to 1 cm and my cervix is really soft. He said to get ready........but nothing yet!

I go back to the doctor on Monday for my final appointment where I hope they will give me an induction date if I don't have her over the weekend and I'm lobbying for May 27! They already told me she's going to be big and thus I see no reason for me to have to wait a full week after my due date for induction. I'm really hoping this party gets started on it's on in the next few days but I will take induction on May 27 over induction a week later!

I'm at the point where I'm hitting a wall late in the day where I'm just tired and annoyed by almost EVERYONE. I wonder if they notice it at work when I'm in a meeting and I'm not paying attention because I'm trying not to roll my eyes at the ridonkulous comments being made? I'm trying not to be annoyed but I got close to 8 lbs of baby squirming, kicking, and punching my innards......I'm over work. I'm especially over retarded questions from students who we clearly need to rethink giving degrees to.  One student today asked when he was going to receive his family tickets? He got six guest tickets, but was still waiting on his family tickets. My co-worker very clearly explained to him guest tickets are to be used for all guests to include, family, friends, co-workers, or anyone who wanted to attend and watch them at the ceremony. Student replies, so when do I get my family tickets? REALLY? Are you sure you can A: Read and B: READ? GEEZ, I have zero tolerance for these retards at this juncture in my life, but what can you do? I try to smile when I talk to them on phone, hopefully it makes me sound like I care :)

On another note, I found Sadie a pediatrician today who, go figure, does not have privileges at the Prince William County Hospital where I'm delivering, SO, she will see the staff pediatrician at the hospital and then go to Pediatric Partners in Stafford a day or two after we come home. FINALLY, someone is telling me when this child should have their first visit to the doctor. I am hoping for a color coded calendar when we leave the hospital with doctor appointments, shot schedules, feeding instructions, diapering techniques, and who to call when she won't sleep.......I know this document only exists in my wildest dreams but I also hope they do at least let me know when she should go to the doctor. So far, I don't even have a set date to get her here so I guess I should worry about that first right?

So, as I attempt to sleep tonight in my "pillow fort" as Theron has termed it.......I bid you all good night and hopefully next time you hear from me Sadie will be here, but don't get your hopes up!

Love y'all!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Captain's Blog 2.0 - Cankles and 2 Weeks till D day

Well today is May 14 and I officially have 13 days till my due date!! Scary and exciting at the same time!

Last night I thought I was in labor but then I realized I just had gas from eating Hooter's at lunch and destroying some fried pickles with Jules.  We looked at bridesmaids dresses yesterday and I swear it makes no sense the way designers pick colors for dresses. Here, here's a dress you love, but guess what you can't get it in the color you want.......you want scarlet? Well you can have it in bourdeax but not scarlet. WTF, they are almost the same color, the same designer makes the colors, but does not offer the dress in all the colors they have. Again I say WTF. Other than the dissappointment in not finding a bridesmaid dress, yesterday was a success! I got a workout in, which I kinda hoping makes me go into labor at this point, I spent the day with my favorite sister in law, Jules, AND I got a much much needed haircut.

I'm kinda in love with my new hair. I have no idea what I was thinkning trying to grow my mop out. I thought it might be easier to toss it in a pony tail once the baby arrives but I realized last week it takes me as long to dry my hair when it's long as it does to dry and straighten my hair when it's short so, back to my bob and I LOVE it. My hairstylist is kinda awesome and somehow always seems to hit the nail on the head. I heart you Beth! Also, the best part is that Theron totally noticed and said my hair look beautiful........enough said.

So, I'm also kinda in love with my husband right now......he has totally become a saving freak. He's using coupons and saving his money and I LOVE IT. Last night we ate dinner at Moe's for 5 bucks. The bill was $20, theron and had two free burrito coupons and the bill came down to $5 bucks, you can't beat that!!

I'm off to do some errands today and go see a co-worker who had her baby 3 weeks ago. I'm trying to spend under 50 bucks at the grocery store today and still bring home enough food to feed the pit that is Theron's stomach. Wish me luck! I'm also going to try to fix our toilet so really wish me luck!

I will leave you with something you WILL NOT be envious of. CANKLES.......no need to explain the pictures say it all. BAM - Cankles after a day of walking, driving, and no elevation my ankles become cankles and are soooo sexy. bahahahahah!

First is the Haircut.....LOVE IT! Looks so much better!


and then BAM Cankles!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Captain's Log May 10, 2011

2.5 weeks and counting till D Day - Delivery Day That Is!

Went to the doctor yesterday and while everyone seems to think I'm going to drop this baby any minute Sadie Marie has different plans. My first check yesterday showed no progress and Sadie is still high so she has not dropped yet. I may just make it until May 27 or beyond, but I'm lobbying for induction on May 27! My hands are so numb, I'm being extra careful when using sharp objects for fear I may amputate something and not know it!

The good news is that if Sadie does come early, I'm ready. My doc said yesterday if I had a car seat I could have a baby, so car seat: check, baby room complete: check, bottles and diapers: check, baby daddy: check, hospital bag packed: check, Theron's pants: check, Sadie's debut outfit: check! We are as ready as we will ever be and if those fidiots on Teem Mom can do it, so can I! Plus my mom, dad, and grandmother are coming........I think two generations of mothers, plus me will be sufficient to at least get her home from the hospital in one piece. My mom is only planning on staying one week right now. She said if there was any clear danger she would stay longer, Theron and I were wondering what type of dangerous situation we needed to create to get her to stay longer? Anyone got any ideas? I'm counting on the little dog causing a big enough stink that we will need an extra set of hands just to handle him, we shall see!

Connie will be back soon though, John Robert is graduating on June 18 with his MS in Sports Management so since we are all so proud of him the entire fam is coming back to watch the glorious occasion! So congrats to John Rob, we love you and I can't wait for June 18! Not to mention I am in charge of the ceremony, but will be out on maternity leave so.........I feel the need to supervise from a far. :)

Can I just say I'm super excited about 12 weeks of maternity leave over the summer so I'm starting this blog to keep y'all up to date on my new mommy adventures and informed about the Airhart's. I'm sure there will be lots to share so stay tuned!

Here are some pictures of the nursery!