Saturday, May 28, 2011

Houston We Have a Baby!

Today is the first day I have been able to sit still long enough to send an update out to all my peeps and I must say I have much to tell. Lots has been going on as I'm sure all of you see from facebook and from the emails and text my mom and husband have been distributing! I will start from the beginning and give y'all the Cliff Notes version to get you up to speed.

On Monday, May 23 I had my final scheduled doctor's appointment.....I went in with saddest sad face hoping that because I was only 4 days from my due date they would go ahead and schedule me to be induced on May 27.....little did I know my blood pressure had other plans. It was 138/90 and while that was not extremely high, it is for me, I usually register about 117/70 and it had been normal throughout the pregnancy. They monitored me for a while and scheduled induction for the next day! I was happy and not overly concerned.....I'm healthy and PUMPED to deposit Sadie somewhere beside my uterus!

That night we had to go to the hospital to be monitored for an hour......or THREE! Blood pressure had gotten much higher and now they were trying to keep me thank you. PS hospital people when it's 150 degrees in the monitoring room, my blood pressure is 150/150! So we eventually go forward 8 LONG hours to 7:30 a.m. on May 24, 2011. I was nervous about the blood pressure but again not overly concerned, they were letting me go home after all.......

We arrive at the hospital and SCORE! The nurse from the night before saved us the ginormous birthing suite.....three babys could have been born in this room and it was all mine! It was a good start to the day and I was ready to get the show on the road. They started my IV and the pitocin, I saw the doc and was in the bed feeling some contractions but nothng noteworthy......9:30 a.m. water broke.....I was laying in the bed, the nurse was standing there setting up the magnesium IV and I felt a little pop and went OH! I either just peed my pants OR my water just broke! She and Theron both started laughing and she came over to check me and she said yep, your water broke! So induction or not Sadie was ready to make her appearance on May 24, I'm just glad we were at the hospital because when they told me at my last ultrasound I had extra fluid they were not kidding! You could have filled a kiddie pool with all the fluid that came out of me! If that had happened in my bed, we would be shopping for a new bed and all I could think was SWEET! I have not even had the baby yet and I'm losing weight! What I should have been thinking was now my labor is probably going to progess faster, I should start having them check me more often and get the epidural......

About 11 AM, I was really starting to suffer through the contractions but I was still only dilated to a 1.5 and about 75% effaced so since my birthing class video said to wait till you are at a 5 to get the meds, I was holding out......I wanted to be a bad ass and say I held on....for who I have no idea....but that is how my brain works sometimes.....bragging rights for myself. My mom, dad, and grandmama had arrived and I could not even talk to them. Contractions were back to back and were really painful but at 12 I was still only dilated to 1.5 and completely body was not cooperating so finally I just asked for the epidural about 1pm and got it about soon as they were finished sticking me THREE times, and I had been hunched over the nurse for 30 minutes, I was golden and also dilated to a 5.5! I had made it and didn't even know it!

Fast forward to 7 PM, my wonderful nurse was getting off her shift, I was still only dilated to 8.5 and my doc was changing as well. I could feel the contractions again and lets just say the little epidural button got it's workout God bless ladies who do this naturally, but that shit is for the birds....I could feel painful contractions with the epidural, I can only imagine how bad it would have been without it! So the doc comes in and was only going to give me an hour before I was faced with a C section and I guess Sadie heard it because I started pushing at 7:15 and she was here at 7:46! 6lbs 3 oz, 19 inches long.....not exactly the mega baby they had predicted at my final ultrasound but she was big enough to destroy my lady parts in the way of an episiotomy AND a third degree tear that took close to 30 minutes to sew up! She also had the cord wrapped so tightly around her neck the doctor told Theron and my mom he had not seen that in while.......he's been birthing babies for 30 years......YIKES, but regardless Miss Sadie Marie is healthy and what can I say, I'm SO glad she is here and so thankful for my sweet husband, my family, and the wonderful doctors and nurses who assured she and I were taken care of.

SO, after she was born everyone is walking around, holding her, my sweet baby brother had arrived around 4 and was there to meet his new niece.....everyone was talking and so happy and I felt like I was in the twilight zone. It didn't feel real, the epidural was wearing off but they were now feeding me 600 mg motrins and percacet for the after labor pains and let me tell you, there was no pain. I was not even sure I was still alive, it felt like a dream that I was watching, but also participating in......SO weird.

I had to stay in labor and delivery over night and all the next day because of my blood pressure. I was still on the magnesium and that shit is not awesome, it involves a catheter and I was OVER that thing by the next day, also, sweating like a dog, nauseated......UGH, I just gave birth, can you please give me something to make me feel better not worse! Finally at 4 PM the next day I got a shower and got moved over to post pardum and felt much better!

We got to come home on May 26 and I tell you what I thought I was SO ready to get out of the hospital and as we were pulling away a wave of fear set in......OMG, we are going home, no one is going to be checking on us every hour, if her body temp is too low, how will I know? We can't give her to the nursery after I feed her so we can get some sleep.......what have we done.....

I'm just kidding! I quickly realized my mom was here and since John Robert and I both survived to adulthood, I knew I would be fine......or so I thought......

Stay tuned for what happened the first night........I gotta go feed Sadie so she will grow up bigger than John Robert. Theron has requested she be able to fight off all the boys. Daddy brought her a steak and since she couldn't quite chew it all up, I'm going to supplement her feeding with breastmilk! HAHAHAHA

Love y'all,

Morning of Induction, our wolfpack of 4 will soon become 5!

I looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man......since was was on bed rest the entire day after she was born I had to have these things on my legs to promote circulation and keep clots from forming....SO sexy I know!

This was right before we went home, we were waiting on the lady to come back and finish our birth certificate paperwork.

Big Daddy and CiCi

Sadie Marie in her first car ride home from the hospital

We're number 1! Go Morton's and Airhart's!


  1. Congratulations again! Your adventures in airhartland are about to be taken to another level :)

    Enjoy every minute with your new baby girl. She's a cutie!!

  2. Yeah and so happy for the 3 of you! GIANT FINGERWAVE!!! So adorable. Our only disappointment is lil' Sadie's stocking hat...tsk tsk. :)
