Monday, May 30, 2011

Breast Feeding is Like Milking a Cow........

Well today Sadie Marie is  six days old and thankfully I have been sleeping about 4-7 hours each night....not all at the same time of course, but my mom and Theron have been taking turns staying up with her and letting me sleep. It almost like being in the hospital....I feed her and then one of them takes her to the "nursery" that is my living room! It is FANTASTIC! I had some visitors yesterday who just ohhh and ahhh over her and it was so great to have some contact with the outside world. I have not left the house since we got home on Thursday and I gotta tell ya, I have no desire to go anywhere. This tear and episiotomy is NOT awesome and I'm almost out of pain medication. I almost scared to eat for fear of's inevitable I know, but GEEZ....luckily I stopped myself before eating some trail mix the other day. I had a hand full of peanuts and had a brief moment of nausea and a little conversation with myself.....WTF am I doing?  Don't you know this has to come out the other end, PUT THE NUTS DOWN WOMAN!

Sadie has been home a number of nights now and while we are not experts we got a nice little system going here. I stay up till 1 AM or so and then get about 4 hours of sleep. Theron and mom are in charge of her during those hours so I can sleep then I'm back on at 5 or 530 am. I'm so lucky to have this support these first two weeks, but I'm still a little nervous about my mom leaving and Theron going back to work. I keep thinking what am I going to do when I have to use the bathroom and I'm here alone? I guess Sadie will be spending a lot of time in her car seat being lugged around the house while I do things so I can keep and eye on her because I am a typical first time parent.....I have already been watching her sleep to assure she keeps breathing and I'm terrified she's going to roll off the bed. (She's never been left on the bed so I'm not sure where this fear comes from) Rest assured I know I'm a little looney........what can I say? At least I admit it!

We went to the doctor on Friday for her first check up and got good news all around. She has a little jaundice but all the other things we were worrying about are normal. Here's our list of things to ask the doc about:

Blue hands and feet? Normal.....really? Yes, as long as it does not move up the arms or legs. Weird but OK.
Eyes rolling back in her head.....Normal.....Yes......thank goodness, we were starting to think she was crazy
Eyes crossing......Normal.....Yes......SO scary to watch but she said it could go on for a month! I just hope they don't get stuck like that!
She has a little red spot on her hiney.....birthmark....Yes......matches her mom's! SO funny and a relief.
Red hiney.....normal.....whew

There were a few others but you get the idea.....we are first time parents and we are seriously worried about everything. Bottom line, our little girl is healthy and already growing like a weed. I can't wait to show her off in Selma in July!

So here's the story of the week:
I'm breastfeeding and it has been going great. Sadie latched right on and has had no problems. I'm also pumping 3-6 oz every day so start building up a supply for when we travel to Alabama or if we want to go somewhere she will be able to eat. So, I had my first pumping session two days ago and it took a while since I had never done it before and I was reading the instructions and finally got going, Theron comes in the room as is looking at me..........

Theron: "Huh, just like a cow"
April: "What did you just say?"
Theron: "Like a cow at the state fair"
April: "WTF did you just say?"
Theron: "No, I mean it works just like a cow"
April: "Are you sure you want to continue this conversation?"
Theron: "No"
April: "Good call, last time I checked it was not a good idea to call your wife a cow less than a week after she gives birth."

My point: Breast feeding is like milking a cow or a cat, you can pretty much milk anything with nipples Focker.........but don't freaking tell your wife that! HAHAHAH. I love you Theron!

Y'all have a good day!
Love y'all


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