Thursday, May 19, 2011

Captains Blog - 6 Days Down and 8 To Go

Well, hopefully not eight more whole days until I actually go into labor. I'm hoping for tomorrow after lunch per my mom's request. The tires on their car finally got done today and the her dogs will be done at the groomer tomorrow at noon. I officially have permission to go into labor on this day, at that hour.  I told her I would hold off on the lunges I plan to do until then. I don't know if the lunges will really work, but I'm willing to try anything at this point to get Sadie Marie here before May 27!

I also have a lot to do tomorrow so I'm hoping for tomorrow night......I get to work from home tomorrow which rocks the casbah and then I need to clean this house, bath the little dog, and purchase a gift for a one year old, oh and do some lunges! Sadie is still moving around alot but I have been having cramps, some sharper kinda pains today, and per the doc on Monday I'm dilated to 1 cm and my cervix is really soft. He said to get ready........but nothing yet!

I go back to the doctor on Monday for my final appointment where I hope they will give me an induction date if I don't have her over the weekend and I'm lobbying for May 27! They already told me she's going to be big and thus I see no reason for me to have to wait a full week after my due date for induction. I'm really hoping this party gets started on it's on in the next few days but I will take induction on May 27 over induction a week later!

I'm at the point where I'm hitting a wall late in the day where I'm just tired and annoyed by almost EVERYONE. I wonder if they notice it at work when I'm in a meeting and I'm not paying attention because I'm trying not to roll my eyes at the ridonkulous comments being made? I'm trying not to be annoyed but I got close to 8 lbs of baby squirming, kicking, and punching my innards......I'm over work. I'm especially over retarded questions from students who we clearly need to rethink giving degrees to.  One student today asked when he was going to receive his family tickets? He got six guest tickets, but was still waiting on his family tickets. My co-worker very clearly explained to him guest tickets are to be used for all guests to include, family, friends, co-workers, or anyone who wanted to attend and watch them at the ceremony. Student replies, so when do I get my family tickets? REALLY? Are you sure you can A: Read and B: READ? GEEZ, I have zero tolerance for these retards at this juncture in my life, but what can you do? I try to smile when I talk to them on phone, hopefully it makes me sound like I care :)

On another note, I found Sadie a pediatrician today who, go figure, does not have privileges at the Prince William County Hospital where I'm delivering, SO, she will see the staff pediatrician at the hospital and then go to Pediatric Partners in Stafford a day or two after we come home. FINALLY, someone is telling me when this child should have their first visit to the doctor. I am hoping for a color coded calendar when we leave the hospital with doctor appointments, shot schedules, feeding instructions, diapering techniques, and who to call when she won't sleep.......I know this document only exists in my wildest dreams but I also hope they do at least let me know when she should go to the doctor. So far, I don't even have a set date to get her here so I guess I should worry about that first right?

So, as I attempt to sleep tonight in my "pillow fort" as Theron has termed it.......I bid you all good night and hopefully next time you hear from me Sadie will be here, but don't get your hopes up!

Love y'all!


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