Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring is in the Air....Poop is in the Tub?

Well well, after all my belly aching about winter, yesterday was the first day of Spring and I'm loving it! Although as you were previously warned, I also love to belly ache about the heat and if the temperatures in Spring are any indication of how hot the summer is going to be well then it's going to be sizzling. I feel espeically bad for my pregnant friends who will have to endure at much warmer than ususal spring, three long HOT summer months, and what will probably be a warm fall. I'm pumped for the pool to open though, I got Sadie Marie some 55 sunblock and I'm going to purchase one of those baby swimsuits with build in floaties. I can't wait to see how protective the baby daddy is in the pool, he barely takes his hands off at home....she may never walk. :)

Anyway, we have had some shananigans going on so I will share them!

I'm all about routines, unless I feel like a deviation is necessary and the I could care less but we do have our nightly routine that traditionally goes like so:

7 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Dinner prepared and fed to the little monster by Me
7:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. - Bathtime, prepared and performed by Me
8 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. - Bedtime, prepared and performed by the Baby Daddy

He informed me he didn't like to bathe Sadie Marie.....I wonder why, perhaps because while she LOVES to play in the bathtub, she HATES to actually get bathed up and LOATHES to get dried off and dressed for bed. Awesome, I'll take it though one out of three ain't bad and at least he's being a team player right?

So as we are playing in the bathtub on Monday night I turned my head for what felt like a split second to shoo Bailey from the bathroom and when I turned around there it was........I was almost elbow deep in doodoo water. Green doodoo water. I shrieked for the baby daddy to come running, whatever he was doing it was not fast enough, I snatched Sadie Marie out of her little tub of horrors and just held her dangling like a fish on a hook because I couldn't hold her, unstopo the tub and rinse her off but I couldn't sit her down on the floor she was all wet, so I just stood there waiting on the baby daddy to stroll on in like a Sunday afternoon and when he finally did arrive I got her handed off, drained the tub and then I heard it. SQUIRTSHSHSHSHSH. Green liquid dooty all over my bath mat all down her legs and feet. Awesome. The baby daddy starts telling me to hurry, to clean her up and move everything to the other bathroom and I'm like why? She's already defaced this tub and bathmat, lets keep the hazmat area contained at least until she's we wait about 2 minutes, decide she's done, and move to the other bathroom where there is now ZERO hot water left for a bath. I guess I need a 1000 gallon hot water heater, after two showers and a bath ours was spent.

So I proceeded to bathe the nugget in 2 inches of luke warm water, that she clearly did not love based on her constant screaming, and proceeded to ask her not to poop in this water or on me while we got dressed. After THREE good gos (yeah, she got the bath mat twice), I guess she was all pooped out, LITERALLY, because there was no more poop for the evening. In her defense, she has not pooped in the tub for what feels like years, but because she's only 10 months old, I guess it's been like 7 months. She is also taking antibiotics for her ear infection and I know that has her tummy upset, it's just hard to remember sometimes she's even sick she so stinking happy most of the time.

The rest of this week has been rather entertaining.....I'm not sure if she's figured out that she can use her tongue to spit her food at me OR if she's just not that hungry. It had me worried for a hot minute, then she started eating again, then spitting, then get the idea. I think she thinks it fun. I do not love it.

The other night we are all eating supper and Sadie Marie has squash and pears. She LOVES squash and pears and now that she is getting bigger and has some teeth she's not eating purees, it's all chopped up so she can gum it and I guess the textures are a little off. I jammed a big spoon full of squash in her wide open bird mouth and it came flying back out of there like a torpedo. I was a little taken aback, please understand my child has NEVER spit food out.....EVER. In fact, I'm pretty sure she secretly hoards it in her cheeks so this was funny at first. I thought maybe she didn't like the texture of the squash cut up rather than pureed, so we tried again and no dice. She was vehemently pushing food out of her mouth and then playing with it between her little vienna sausage fingers, so I tried some of the pears and of course she devoured that it was her last meal. I tried the squash again and torpedo. I was quite dismayed, I have never had to be tricky or resourceful when it came to feeding Sadie Marie, she has always been such an easy baby to feed, but I'm smart and she's a baby so I thought well, I'll fix this and mixed the squash in with the pears and TORPEDO. She spit it all out...she eventually ate some of it mixed together but I ended up just ending supper. I refuse to let her win, if she won't eat, supper is over before you judge please be aware she ate all her pears and chicken and destroyed her bottle, so it's not like I sent her to bed without any supper.

Not to be defeated, I tried the squash again last night and BOOM, my little nugget was back. She devoured all her food so maybe she just needed to get used to the texture, maybe she was not feeling, but well either way, I win. :) She will eat as healthy as possibly as long as possible. I don't want her to end up like me, picky as all get out and not a veggie fan. I am trying to retrain my brain as Sadie Marie tries new foods so that I can be a healthy mommy who she can see eating the veggies. I'm a total hypocrite and I will make her eat them if I won't but I don't want to be that way so it's still a work in progress. This week my new veggie is cauliflower.......steamed and smothered in cheese sauce. I gotta start our easy here folks, plus weight watchers said I could eat it that way. I have already added steamed broccoli and parsnips to my food vocabulary and I'm pretty proud we are adding all these veggies to our lives. Makes me feel better about myself. If I'm always going to be a little bit fat at least I will be healthy. Maybe it will be easier now that I have officially stopped breastfeeding and pumping completely since I won't have the appetite of a Tyranasauraus Rex. :)

Are you all shocked and dismayed? I stopped pumping at 10 months. I just wasn't producing enough milk to keep putting myself through the stress of pumping every 4 hours only to get an ounce or two, so then I went to every 8 hours and would only get about 4 ounces, then it was every 12 hours for 4 ounces and then sometimes it was every 12 for nothing. 10 months is as good as 12 to me so even though I didn't WANT to quite my body had other ideas. I know part of the reason my supply went down was because I wasn't physically nursing anymore, I could have continued nursing twice a day, I know a year would have been easy but I had to weigh my options.....just how important were my nipples to me? Pretty darn important and so I decided to stop nursing about a month ago when Sadie M got her first tooth and BIT me hard enough to draw blood.

I will say I had way more milk saved up than I thought, I have been slowly decreasing the amount of breastmilk she's getting and adding formula and it's been fine, so all's well that ends well. I'm a little nostalgic though, it's kinda sad to think that this part of my life has come to an end for now. It was such a big part of my life and routine for the past 10 months and it an end I didn't really want but onward and upward. I have a very healthly happy little girl so I'm not going to let something this silly ruin my day or hers :) It's not worth the stress that was mounting over not producing enough and now that I'm done and at one with it, I feel liberated!

Summer, Summer, Summertime, Time to sit back and unwind.......Thanks Will Smith. You rock.

Here are some new pictures of the nugget.

Y'all be good,


Lazy Sunday Afternoon! She sleeps like her Daddy!

I got a second tooth, but I am NOT showing you!

I sit like a lady when bathing!

I have ear infections but you would never know it!

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