Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Adventures and Sadie Marie Milestones

So we have had a pretty exciting weekend. On Friday I took Sadie Marie out for her first APUS Company Picnic. The baby daddy had to work so John Rob and Jules were on Auntie and Uncle duty helping me with the baby, because let me tell you it almost takes all three of us to get all her shit together, out the door, unloaded at our destination, and to keep it together while we are out. We went to the Marriott Ranch in Hume, VA and luckily it was not 110 degrees so it was a nice day out with a few minor speed bumps......

We arrived and of course missy needed a diaper change. Good Luck. We are on a Ranch. I find the bathroom and ended up having to change her on a triangle shaped table in the bathroom. Thanks Marriott, I know babies can't ride your horses but com'on man, you could have at least pretended to care and put one of those changing things in the bathroom. Luckily Auntie JuJu was there to man the stroller and watch the baby while I got a bottle ready becuase you know this baby was hungry!

The rest of the day was pretty good, it was only mildly hot so we got some grub, fed the baby, and then sat....still. My coworkers were all around and you don't realize how immobile you can be until you have a stroller, diaper bag, and a baby who hates to be hot. She only had one minor meltdown, with looks of sympathy from those around me, before she passed out for about 45 minutes. Whew. The upside is that I got a ton of compliments on how cute my little peanut is. Thank You. I think she is the coolest thing since sliced bread, but it always feels good to have those thoughts reinforced by those who don't HAVE to love her. :)

Anyway, it started to threaten rain so we peaced out of there. It was like a herd of strollers leaving that place when it started thundering and lightening and I could actually see the wall of rain coming towards us. Sometimes it's good to have a baby. I can use her as an excuse for almost everything. Uh oh, it might rain better get to the car. Uh oh, it's hot, better get to the car. Uh oh, misquitoes....better get to the car :) We got home early before the traffic was unbearable. Thank You Sadie Marie for being little and cute.

On to Saturday. We had some friends over and that's when you realize you life has really changed. It was nice to see a new baby, and I have already forgotten Sadie Marie was EVER that little! Another friend is ready to burst! So it was to get in one last BBQ before her little peanut arrives! She is due next Sat and SO ready. I remember that feeling and I'm rooting for her to go ASAP so she does not have to be induced next Monday. I cooked some burgers, Auntie JuJu made her fantastic buffalo chicken dip, and Sadie Marie was good entertainment.

First, as soon as I had changed her clothes, she spit up all over herself and me. Sadie Marie 1, Mommy 0. She sat in her swing and everyone played with her then I got her out and sat her in my lap while I was shooting the shit with my lady friends and all of a sudden I noticed show she had been sitting in my lap for over a half hour, cooing, talking, playing with my hands and chewing on them, but most markedly she was holding her head up with zero bobbles. She was in full control of her head and mid sentence I stopped and pointed it out. She has been holding her head up since she was born, but last night was the first night she was in complete control of it for more than a few minutes! Sadie Marie Milestone 1

The great thing about having a baby is when you mention it's bathtime and then bedtime, folks will peace out of your house like you have the plague. Sadie Marie starting getting a little whiny and I knew it was about that time so we saw our guests out and it was time for a parental milestone. Daddy was going to bath the baby. Sadie Marie gets a bath every night. She LOVES bathtime and it was about time her daddy learned to bath her. I could see it in his eyes. Shit.........I can't tell her I'm too tired tonight. I napped for 3 hours today and the baby mamma didn't. HA, gotcha!

On to the was a lot of fun. The baby daddy was surprisingly good at bathing the baby. I guess he honned in his military expertise of thinking on his feet and did what he hears me do every night. I supervised to be sure played with her and read to her enough and I must say, A+ Airhart, A+.

On Sunday, we were up around 7 AM and after she ate we put her in her swing while we got coffee and ate breakfast. Well, miss thing has decided she can also now control her hands and start reaching for things!!  I put her rattle in front of her and boom. She slowly took both hands and grabbed either side of the froggies head and proceeded to shake it to death! I think she likes the eyes on it. She did it time and time again and it's so cute to watch her learn to control her movements! Sadie Marie Milestone 2!

Then after a little coffee and breakfast, Sadie Marie was still up so TUMMY TIME commenced! She has just recently started liking tummy time more and more. She also has started pushing up with her arms and looking up at 90 degrees! Well this morning she rolled over! She was rocking so I hollered for the baby daddy to come at watch and she was talking, pushing up, and then boom. She rolled over. I'm thinking fluke.....but after we gave her a little rest she did it again! I could not believe it! Sadie Marie Milestone 3

Now my thought is Shit. The more mobile she gets the more attentive I'm going to have to be!

She's napping now, she had a BIG weekend and I'm so proud of my little peanut. I'm reading what to expect the first year and we are ahead of the curve. My baby is a genius I know it! Hahahahahah! Yea right. If she's anything like me, which it's already pretty clear she is going to be just like me, we will be lucky if she just stays out of trouble long enough to graduate from college! We have already started her college fund so she better!

This that good sleep when you drool and your mouth is wide open.  She looks like her daddy. He still sleeps like this.

Alright, the baby daddy is outside cutting grass, thank goodness because our backyard was starting to look like a jungle. Since I did all my shit yesterday, it's nap time.

Love y'all,


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