Friday, August 5, 2011

How the Time Flies!

So it's been a hot minute since I posted anything and that is simply because I have been SO freaking busy these past couple of weeks! Even though I have been in the SEL we were just going, going, going and while it was fun, all good things must come to an end, so we are back in VA facing the real world without my mom and let me tell you it's not always fun, but I have a great support system here between the Baby Daddy, Auntie JuJu, and Uncle John Rob, I can actually shower, workout, and even cook some supper most days! But today it really hit me.......time flies when your having fun!

I have been out of work for almost 12 weeks now and I have no desire to go back but my bank account begs to differ, so back to work I go on August 15 and I'm so lucky to be able to work from home three days a week! It saves me 6 hours commuting each week and those precious hours can now be spent with Miss Sadie Marie!  Over the past 12 weeks we have had up and downs but all those ups trump any downs we had. Here are some of the ups we have had over the past few weeks!

Sadie Marie is a world traveler at the tender age of 11 weeks. She has been from VA to AL and in AL she has been from Selma to Montgomery, (multiple times) to Birmingham, to Phenix City and back and let me tell y'all this baybay travels like a champ and her parents are getting the hang of it as well! We have changed diapers in the car, fed in the car, warmed bottles up in the car, warmed bottles up in the gas station bathroom.....I can change a diaper anywhere, anytime and NOT get the poop on me! Whoop Whoop I have graduated from parent in training to rookie parent. Can I get my girl scout badge please!

On our first trip to Auntie Rae Rae's house we had a blast! I looked like a one woman gypsy circus with all the shit I had for a one night stay, but I was prepared for anything! Sadie Marie did really well and only made Reagan earn her Auntie status one time while I was in the shower......I have to say I was super proud that Reagan held that baby all freaking night! She loves her some Sadie Marie and we are super pumped we get to come back to AL in October for her wedding! I'm excited to get to dress miss thang up for the wedding mostly, it's like playing dress up with your barbie only it's a baby and the day is probably going to end with poop on it somewhere..........but it's fun nonetheless!

So funny story.........I'm changing a diaper and I told Reagan to come look at it....I know, I know but it's how Reagan and I she comes to look and is of course grossed out and she says I want to hear it.....she reads the blog too and knows about the various noises Sadie Marie makes when she poops. Well since I can't yet get her to poop on command we had to wait but not very long, we were sitting on the couch chatting away and rrrrrruuummmmmbbbblllleeeeee......all Reagan said was DAMN!!!! Sadie Marie has graduated from Squishhhhhhhh to Rumble in the Diaper and it was hilarious, the look on both her and Matt's faces were priceless and I seriously think I heard her biological clock stop and take it's batteries out.

Being the fantastic hostess my bestie is, she let the baby and I sleep in her bedroom while she and Matt slept in the living room......mistake! Sadie Marie had a great time, me on the other hand........not quite as great. Sadie Marie wakes up to eat about 4 AM and this night was no different. I got up to feed her, all is well and when I picked her up to put her back in the swaddle........bahhhhhhhhhhhh, vomit. All over me, all over my leg, AND all over Auntie Rea Rea's bed. I was mortified, this had never happened before I know full well she spits up a lot and I always make sure to have a burp cloth under or very near but this time FAIL........even with the burp cloth under that child she managed to out fox me again! So I get her back to sleep and then I proceed to remove the fitted sheet AND the freaking mattress pad, because of course it soaked all the way through. At least the mattress itself was not wet, (thank goodness because if y'all don't know breast milk be stanking when it dries!) SO! I put this all in a pile on the floor, pulled the sheet down over the mattress, and attempted to go back to sleep with just the comforter and again FAIL. I'm a light sleeper to begin with and after all this action it was no use, plus I had to get up early to go pick up the baby daddy so I just opened my Nook and read for two hours and watched Sadie Marie happily slumber beside me in her sling. I also knew we had a long travel day to see friends in Phenix City and then back to Selma, so I just had some caffeine (which I normally don't drink) and powered through! Luckily I was picking up the baby daddy that morning at the airport and he drove to Phenix City while I zoned out in the back seat with Sadie Marie.

So, after some travel and an extra day in the SEL we finally made the trip back to VA, which was not as smooth as the trip down, but nothing to write home about either. We survived and the meltdown did not occur until we entered the house and I tried to eat dinner. FAIL. Sadie Marie comes first and by the time I fed her and got her to sleep I could not remember if I had finished my supper or not.....oh well, I can always eat later :) I know right....who thought you would EVER here me say that!

So we are back in VA and after said meltdown, I figure might as well start our new routine and that starts with Sadie Marie sleeping in her baby bed at night. I go back to work in a week and I am hoping for a full nights sleep by then AND I really want her to get that sleep in her crib I paid and arm and a leg for. I'll admit I was worried....I have friends whose child is a year old and still sleeps in the bed with them. NO WAY! They said she does not like her baby bed and I'll admit I prefer sleep to crying and if they sleep in the bed I might cave, but a year is excessive. 

So after she got her belly full, I swaddled her little butt up and........Sadie Marie was a champ! She slept in her baby bed all night and only got up once to eat! So I'm thinking it's gotta be a fluke, she was just tired, but we have been home since Tuesday and as I type this she is sound asleep in her baby bed!i I can't believe it was SO easy. No crying at all, it was just like she had always been sleeping in there. Makes me kinda feel like she's plotting something big against us and is making this easy so we will let our guard down. So, next thing will be to sleep without a swaddle. I'm going to try to do this next week......I think it's gonna be rough, but I want to try to tackle this before I go back to work as well!  Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Moral of these stories, this kid is always one step ahead of us. I just hope we can keep up when she starts walking! Which based on how much she likes to stand up now may be sooner rather than later!

Y'all be good!

Love y'all!


Getting ready to go to Aunt JuJu's Bridal Shower in my new Felton Brother dress!
Thank you Cici, we love it!

Ohh, I look like Big Daddy.....Lord help the Baby Daddy!

 I love my Auntie JuJu!
I love my GiGi!
I love you Auntie Angie!!

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