Sunday, July 3, 2011

El Ranchero

Miss Sadie Marie is growing like a weed. At her one month appointment she was 9 lbs 10 oz!

So as y'all know I'm in Alabama for a while visiting with my family and just really enjoying my maternity leave, but the baby daddy had to go back to VA for a few days early this week so on Thursday I picked him up in Montgomery and so our story begins........

Thursday was a good day so far, I got up early, got Sadie Marie fed, showered and got ready to take our first ride all alone for more than a few minutes. I was going to Montgomery to pick Theron up from the airport and luckily a trip to the Montgomery Regional Airport is a 45 minute drive morning, noon, or night. Traffic between Selma and Montgomery is non-existent and I LOVE it. Theron was due to arrive at 11:34 and I left my house at 10:45. It just makes me hate Northern VA traffic that much more. I live closer to the airport in VA and it takes me twice as long to get there, maybe longer depending on traffic. SO annoying.

So I pick the husband up and he wanted to take me to lunch for an early birthday celebration and then to the mall to get me something for my present. We make the 40 minute drive back to the SEL and we hit El Ranchero. Sadie Marie ate approximately 2 hours earlier so I thought I had enough time to eat and then we could feed her and go to the mall, she slept the entire hour to Montgomery and the entire hour back, I thought we were golden, she usually sleeps in the car seat but as usual she decided to break her new parents in right.

As soon we removed the car seat from the car the screaming began. I thought, OK she will drift back off once we start walking......NOPE......I thought OK maybe we should go back to the car, we are safe in the car right....I didn't want to let her or the baby daddy see me sweat so I told him to take her to the booth and I would go get a bottle ready.....Now I'm a pretty resourceful gal but I got to the bathroom and I was almost shaking trying to fix a bottle of the fly. I had a bag of breast milk, a bottle, and a sink with NO stopper. Come on El Ranchero....WTF. At this point I was just praying I could at least get the water hot so I could hold the bag under in long enough to get the milk luke warm and in the bottle before we had a complete meltdown on baby's first day out! After my fun filled experience in a public bathroom getting a bottle ready I exit said bathroom and following the screaming infant noises to my booth. Awesome, El Ranchero is PACKED and my daughter is HOWLING.....not the end of the world but I'm the lady who roles her eyes when there is a screaming infant and now I'm that mom who can't console her child. I quickly realize what a douche bag I used to be and tried to get Sadie Marie to take the bottle. She was not interested at first since she had only had one bottle before but she quickly realized there was milk on the other side of that rubber nipple and she sucked it down. Phew, a few minutes of silence but in the meantime I have ordered my food and drink and I have no idea what I got......Awesome.

We finished feeding the baby and since she has been gassy since the day she was born, Thursday was not different, and she continued to scream until she burped and spit up all over my nice black shirt. Score one for Sadie Marie - 0 for the parents. She's now out of the car seat and still howling......I'm rocking, bouncing, and burping her all at comes the food......I don't think I have ever gotten my food so quickly but clearly the folks at El Ranchero have a heart and knew I was trying to eat and split. I'm still not sure what I ate that day, I think it was a chimichanga but let's be real, it could have been anything. I immediately ask for the bill and out we go. I didn't even put her back in the car seat and they are lucky we remembered to pay the bill, I mean we were all sweating by the time we left the joint.

We got outside and the screaming has subsided so I wanted to run in Pilcher-McBride Drugstore and speak to some old friends and show my latest creation off and since the crying seemed to be over I was comfortable taking a few more minutes before we headed home. Fast forward 15 minutes, we get to the car and it hit me.......we had not changed her diaper before we went into El Ranchero....D'OH! I felt like I should slap myself on the back of the head. Sadie Marie HATES a wet diaper and not only was she wet as she had exploded. There was coney island mustard doodoo from front to back. Awesome. Score 2 for Sadie Marie and 0 for her parents. She wins.

So, on our first day out as a family (without Cunnie) we had a meltdown in El Ranchero, fed her in public, fixed a bottle on the fly, had a doodoo code red, changed her onesie, and STILL went to the mall. I think we all won that day because even after Sadie Marie threw everything she had us we persevered and did not let it ruin out day out. All I can say is I'm super glad we came back to Selma rather than going to East Chase in Montgomery. Meltdowns close to home are better than 45 minutes from home, even if the traffic is good!

On Friday we put our parent undies on and went back to El Ranchero for lunch with Cunnie and of course since my mom was present she slept the entire time. Thanks Sadie Marie! I can say I'm positive I had a chimichanga on Friday and it was fantastic!

I have been enjoying my stay in AL! See y'all soon!

Thank you Mrs Pat for my angel wings! We had a very successful photo shoot!

ERRRRR! I love my arm!

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