Sunday, June 19, 2011

High Heels Suck After Pregnancy

So ever since I had Sadie Marie my mailbox has been overflowing with formula and baby magazines. I'm not in need of the formula just yet, but I am reading the baby magazines. Playing with Your Baby, Baby Talk, Baby Shit You Must Have.......Ok I made the last one up, but that should be the name of it, it's a catalog of neat gadgets that look like they make life with baby easier, but you probably don't really need. I'm sure we will be ordering something very soon.

Anyway, I was reading Baby Talk and there was an entire article on traveling with your baby........Ummmm, thank you Baby Talk, just what I needed we are planning to leave for a 12 hour drive to Alabama next Saturday and I need to get prepared for this trip. I read the article and it says you should plan a staycation first. Staycation?? Really you want me to book a hotel room in the same town I live in? Playas be broke these days, get real Baby Talk! Luckily the APUS Class of 2011 Commencement Ceremony was this weekend, Cunnie and John were in town to help out so we actually had a free "staycation" in the National Harbor, Maryland. We survived but I'm exhausted and I don't know if it's from the stress of traveling in a car with a newborn OR from the ceremony itself. I was not "working" but it's my "baby" nonetheless so I was nervous, especially when a guy had what appeared to be a heart attack about 10 minutes before the ceremony got ready to start and the paramedics WALKED into the auditorium to assist. They guy was out cold on the floor, then vomiting......what part of a 911 call does not mean HURRY. Thank Prince George's County, I'm just glad it was not me in distress. I could have driven myself to the hospital before your crappy paramedics arrived.

Back to the staycation........Friday started out awesome and when I say awesome what I really mean is shitty. Traffic in this area consist mostly of douche bags and dumbasses who can't drive, which leads to road rage, and ultimately a mom of 3 shoots a lady who cut her off. Traffic is serious shit around here and this weekend was legend.....wait for it.....dary. Yesterday the 30 minute drive to DCA took an hour, so by the time we got there Sadie needed a diaper change and to be topped off. We got the diaper change in but what sucks is you can't take them out of the car seat while the car is moving so her supper had to wait. MISTAKE! Should have fed her and left the diaper dirty, she screamed all the way from DCA to the National Harbor. I thought Cunnie was going to have a breakdown. The six mile trip took 45 minutes........Then on Saturday, the day of the ceremony, there was a wreck on 66 AND 495 was down to one freaking lane. Fifty percent of my volunteers didn't make the ceremony, did I mention we had almost 700 graduates walking and close to 5000 guests? Thanks traffic gods, I heart you too.

Since we were short on volunteers I was helping out during the ceremony and running all over the Gaylord National Convention Center in my fabulous Paris Hilton high heels was hazardous to my health. I have two ginormous blisters on the back of my feet. I ended up in flip flops, so I guess I'm going to have to train my feet to love high heels again. Oh well, I'm committed to making my feet high heel friendly again. I LOVE them and I can take the pain. I just birthed a child I will take on my entire closet of high heels.

The "staycation" was a pretty good idea. I learned that even if the trip is going to take an hour, pack a bottle or two. Nothing is worse than a screaming baby you can't feed. Oh wait, I know what is worse, my mom leaning over me trying to get to said screaming baby. Love you mom! Also, stop leaving the Baby Daddy with milk to give the baby, he's not going to feed it to her unless maybe I'm out of the country. He's terrified she's going to have a gas outbreak and scream for three days like she did a week or two ago. It's still fresh in his mind and he is terrified of those blood curling screams! In his defense, I'm scared of them too. But her screaming because she is hungry is almost as bad so I fed her her first bottle yesterday and she was not too excited about it but once she realized milk was on the other side of that rubber she sucked that thing down like she was playing minute to win it.

Today is Father's Day and while I thought all day yesterday was Father's Day and gave my dad and Theron their cards, I want to give a shout out to all the dad's today. Y'all are awesome but not as awesome as Mom's so just because they gave you a day of your own don't get cocky. Last night we had this conversation:

Baby Daddy: "Ugh, Sadie Marie has April's personality"
Cunnie: "What do you mean? How do you know?"
Me: "She's ornery like me......"
Baby Daddy: "True, but I was just reading that their true personality develops by age seven.....I'm going to have to spend a lot of time with her until then."
Me: "Love you too honey"
Cunnie: "HAHAHAHA"

I heart my family, the totally love me. You notice my daddy was not in one this conversation. I have his personality and he knows it.

Ok, y'all have a great Father's Day!

Love y'all

Daddy's Hugs are the Best! I still agree :)

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