Monday, June 6, 2011

Sleep Deprivation Makes You Do Funny Stuff

So last night was a doozy. Sadie Marie was not interested in sleeping very much, she was interested in eating......ALOT! She would fall asleep nursing and I would too, thus she was not eating enough to keep her full for more than an hour and she would wake up hungry so finally around 3:15 am I kept myself awake and nursed her almost an hour I figured this would force a milk induced coma she would be unable to fight so I could sleep for a few hours before we got up for the day, but what I didn't anticipate was the amount of spit up it might also produce in the process. I forgot to stop about halfway through and burp her so after an hour of nursing she was ripe. I put her over my should her and BAM projectile spit up all down my back and onto the bed. Awesome. The husband was awake at this point and said, "You got vomit all down your back, I rubbed it in for you but you should probably shirts." Me, "Thanks?" Why rub it in? I have no idea what help this was but at 4 am I was grateful for anything even if it didn't make sense.

So I got up to change the baby, change my shirt, and got back in the bed to find a nice wet spot where vomit had also reached the bed. It had not been rubbed in and since my assistant had gotten up to go to work at this point, I rubbed it in and laid down. I had planned on changing the bed sheets and showering today anyway.........I figured at this point more vomit is probably in my future so no need to rush to clean up.

Fast forward to 7:00 am, I have just finished feeding and burping Sadie Marie, or so I thought. I laid her on the bed to grab the burp cloth and put her back in her sleeper and when I turn around, BAM vomit on the bed. Awesome. I rubbed it in and went back to bed. I figure this second wet spot was just what I needed to force myself to wash the bedsheets and myself today. I guess if I want anyone's vomit on me it's hers. It's just breast milk right? I have been watching enough Locked Up Abroad to know there are much worse places to sleep than in my own breast milk.

So I'm happy to report mission accomplished. My good friend Chelsea came over for a few hours today and let me get a much needed house cleaning in. A dirty house is just a stressor for me so while I don't like to clean, I need to clean to feel good about myself. I cleaned the house, bedsheet change included, showered, ate lunch, and then fed Sadie Marie. Thank goodness for buddies who work 3 days a week. Chelsea is a nurse and if I feel safe letting anyone care for Sadie Marie at this point it's her! Plus she's pregnant and needs the practice :)

So I'm happy to report that little Sadie is really filling out, at least that is what my family is saying. I had not even noticed her little hands and feet were not longer alien looking. Instead of scrawny and blue they are fat and pink! They actually look like little baby hands and feet. Cunnie pointed this out from a picture I sent her yesterday.....I kinda felt bad I had not even noticed until she said it but then I realized I'm more focused on feeding, dressing, and keeping the kid alive than I am determining if her feet are filling out. What I have noticed is how small my ankles have gotten. No more cankles for this lady and I can't tell you how pumped I am about that. Also, while my pre-pregnancy pants don't quite fit yet without some spare tire action, my pre-pregnancy shoes do!

I was SO worried that my feet might not go back to the same size they were before I was pregnant. I have heard stories about ladies whose feet never go back to the same size they were before baby and I have to tell you I was dreading having to tell the husband that I had to buy shoes because my feet were bigger than before. I can't imagine him buying that line, even if it was true! Luckily, I'm able to get my shoes on and since I have so many fabulous pairs I cannot wait to wear some of them again! I think I will save this special occassion for my Alabama trip. I fully plan on a night out with friends for my birthday in July and any girl will tell you a great pair of shoes can make anyone feel like a rockstar. After all the dooty diapers, spit up, and sleepless nights I think the husband and I will deserve a night out and I LOVE feeling like a rockstar :) I have a pair of Paris Hilton shoes that SCREAM rockstar! Consider them packed.

Thankgoodness my cankles are GONE!

Sadie's little feet filling out!

Over the next few weeks, I'm sure we will continue settling in and getting into a groove. Today was the baby daddy's first day back and work and I was a little nervous about being home all day alone with the baby, but thanks to Chelsea I was not all along AND John Rob is here working from home so......I guess tomorrow will be the true test. In any case all is good and I can barely put her down. So, I'm off to feed little Sadie Marie. I swear this child is going to be ginormous by the time I get to Alabama in a few weeks!

Love y'all,


Well I had some other pictures for y'all but I can't get them to upload, maybe tomorrow!

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