Thursday, June 2, 2011

Elvis Has Left the Building.....

It's official we are on our own.......well for two weeks anyway. Cunnie left today and is headed back to Selma this morning. We dropped her off at the Quantico train station where she will Amtrack it to BWI, stop in ATL, and then finish in BHM.......did y'all follow all those acronyms? I know Jules did, she is beyond experienced in traveling from AL to VA!
Sadie Marie had three big outing this week and at only 1 week old I say we did pretty good for first time parents.....granted we had the help of Cunnie but if I was getting a grade for this I would say it was a solid A. I didn't cry, Theron and I didn't threaten to divorce each other, there was only one poop incident, and no one left the baby on the top of the car (I have seen this happen before!) We also learned some stuff:

1. Always take 1-2 bottles with you. I thought bringing my boobs was enough but apparently it's not always convenient for me or the baby to breast feed and besides that it's pretty illegal to take her out of the car seat to eat while driving down the road.

2. If Sadie has pooped, but she's not wet - WAIT FOR IT! She will pee on you as soon as you change her diaper.

3. If the boobs are leaving the house to go anywhere for more than 30 minutes, fix bottles first. Theron and I went to the grocery store last night. I was gone for 1.25 hours, we got home and Cunnie was all disheveled. She was sweating and we had this conversation before I could even get up the stairs:

Cunnie: "April, come inside and feed the baby"
April: "I'm coming"
Cunnie: "Come inside now, I will help Theron with the groceries"
April: "I'm coming"
Cunnie: "She's been screaming, I fed her some of the milk you pumped, she threw it up, and she now needs a bath. You can't leave the house for more than 30 minutes till she is at least 6 weeks old."
April: "OK" My thought: Great, Theron is going to have to do the grocery shopping or we are going to have buy Sadie Marie a bubble so she can go the store with me next week. Does anyone know where I can get a bubble, it's easier than sending Theron to the grocery store........

4. Always use the plastic travel changer so you don't get mustard poop on your white shirt.
5. Sadie Marie does NOT sleep flat on her back. She needs to recline because she's cool like that.
6. Having a baby is a dirty job.....Mike Rowe needs to visit a day care for an episode of Dirty Jobs.

It's only been week and we have already learned that if she's not sleeping neither are we.....we all took turns staying up with her and finally yesterday mom found a kinda reclining sleeper......low and behold she slept all night last night....what I consider all night anyway. I got four uninterrupted hours of sleep and woke up feeling like a new person this morning! I was talking to Theron about said sleep and he is not in agreement that it was all night but compared to the previous 1.5 - 2 hours we were getting.....I will take it! Hopefully it will only get better and this is not a fluke, Miss Sadie loves to play possum, pretending to sleep for a minute or two, screaming for a minute or two, and so on and so on.....She's real convincing too....just when I think I've done it and put her to sleep I see the red come back into her face and I know a scream follow so we shall see if this sleeper works and I will give y'all an update on that later.

Today should be interesting, it will be my first day alone with the baby. Theron is getting ready to leave for a half day at work. I have already showered and tried to get everything done I needed to before he leaves so I can relax and play with Sadie. I got a book in the mail, "Playing with Your Baby: 12 Months of Fun." In 0-3 months we grow and birth, your baby can smell your breast milk, which is why she stops crying when mom hands her to me, she does not love me anymore than she loves you, she's just hungry and knows I got the goods, but she can see my face. She can focus on objects 8-12 inches away and wouldn't you know it! That is exactly how far her face is from mine when I hold her or so the book says, wonder if they know I'm a midget? In any case, that is pretty cool stuff right?

I'm still on a learning curve so hopefully over the next two weeks I don't fail too badly, she has survived the first 4 hours being alone with us so I think we can do it. Too late to turn back now. I do seriously need everyone to put their heads together and figure a way for my mom to quit her job and move here so she can keep Sadie when I go back to work. My cousin Angie went back to work yesterday and sent Elsie to day care for a full day.......

1. They fed Elsie pizza.....she does not have teeth.....WTF. Are you retarded? how can Elsie chew pizza without teeth?
2. It was a scorcher yesterday and when Angie got there to pick Elsie up she was wet with sweat because they had been outside. It was advised for adults to stay INSIDE yesterday so on what planet was it a good idea to take the 1 year olds outside?

All I can say is Yikes......I'm sure they had good intentions but when it comes to your child, you do things a certain way and when she comes with a packed lunch why the crap do you feed her pizza? Here's your sign!

Here's what we did after we dropped Cunnie off and got home. Theron just left for work after his nap so now Sadie and I will take one. He always looks so peaceful, I wonder if I look that way? Probably not, I'm dreaming about the freaking Criminal Minds episode I watched last night where someone's little girl got snatched from right up under her.........I told Theron yesterday when we were in Babies R Us we were going to purchase a harness as soon as she can walk so I can have her attached to me at all times until she is at least 16. I think she'll be OK with that....what do y'all think? :)

Love y'all!


what's wrong with this picture? I'm not in it! I was the only one not asleep this morning, what can I say I not a napper....

Big Time Buddies! He's already talking about taking her fishing!

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